Like navigating Google's street view? You'll love my new 3D home toursLaraMar 31, 2016I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this amazing new way to view properties online. I could describe it for you, but better to let you see it yourself. So here it is in action, at my new listing: 150 Hampshire Street, Unit 4 in Cambridge. #CambridgeMArealestate #sellingahomeinCambridgeMA #sellingahomeinSomervilleMA #SomervilleMArealestate
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this amazing new way to view properties online. I could describe it for you, but better to let you see it yourself. So here it is in action, at my new listing: 150 Hampshire Street, Unit 4 in Cambridge. #CambridgeMArealestate #sellingahomeinCambridgeMA #sellingahomeinSomervilleMA #SomervilleMArealestate